Feedback and complaints

Giving us feedback

Our aim is to provide the best support we can to the students we work with, and we welcome feedback so that we know how we can improve. 

We email students to ask for feedback soon after they start meeting with their support worker and near the end of their academic year. 

Students can also give us feedback at any time during the year by:


Making a complaint

Please let us know if you are unhappy with our service.  All complaints will be handled in a fair, professional and non-confrontational manner.  They will be logged, and we will use them to improve our service where we can. 

If you would like to make a complaint, we will follow the steps detailed below:


Step 1:  Making a complaint

If you have a complaint, please let us know by phoning 01803 220 405, or by emailing  


Step 2:  Resolving the complaint

We will respond to you within 2 working days of receiving your complaint.  We may ask further questions in order to make sure we have a clear understanding of the nature of the complaint.  We will aim to address your complaint at that time, but we will spend the time necessary to work with you to seek a resolution if we cannot. 


Step 3: Escalating the complaint

If you remain unsatisfied with our response, you may wish to take the matter further by contacting a third party.  This may be the university Disability Advisor where you study or the funding body that pays for the support that Mulberry Education provides:   



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